Living in the Flow
/As I walked into the store, I heard my name called out, loud enough for me to hear; yet somehow, still soft. I turned to see my friend Michael waving at me from his car, and I ran over to give him a hug. We spoke briefly of the lovely synchronicity and intense energies we had both been feeling lately, and then he mentioned how much he loves Kombucha. I paused and reflected upon the fact that I actually had some of my home brewed booch in my car, because a young woman had asked to meet and buy some, but was unable to make it at the last minute. Michael was thrilled to get the jar, and we both went on our merry way.
Blueberry Vanilla Home Brewed Kombucha. Delicious and Uber Healthy!
These kinds of events are occurring more and more frequently, as I have dedicated the last couple of years of my life, learning to live in the flow of energy, rather than try to control it. No action is wasted, and nothing is by accident, if you are living in the flow. Perhaps you had your sights set on a certain job, or relationship, and it did not come to you. This is simply the way energy moves. If you are vibrating at a certain frequency, only other frequencies that match yours, or compliment yours, will be able to exist in your energetic field.
When I got the young woman's message that she would not be able to meet me, I felt irritation, initially. I had driven across town at rush hour to meet her, and had plenty to be mad about, IF I CHOSE THAT. It is always a choice, and when you start to feel that emotion coming up, check in with yourself. Aren't you mad at yourself, really? I agreed to meet her, I knew it was rush hour, and I knew she had young children. Yet I still agreed, and so I looked at that within myself. It passed within a few minutes, as soon as I realized that this was just an energetic readjustment. Someone else needed this Kombucha, and I was across town for a reason. I started to feel excited, and that's when I got out of the car, and started walking into the store. Running into Michael was a beautiful connection, as his energy is always so bright. We jive energetically, and that is why we are drawn together. Anyone in your tribe falls into that category. There is a reason why they say, "Birds of a Feather Flock Together". It's energy, pure and simple.
Angel Messages come to us in many ways, and numbers is one of the most prolific. Have you been seeing any number sequences in your daily life? Pay attention, for these are messages. What were you thinking about when you saw the sequence? Trace it back and you will receive clarity on your inner dialogue.
I've been privileged to study the philosophy of energy and how we can use it to create the life we really want, and stay on course, so as to avoid costly and painful "adjustments". I've learned to pay attention when the energy shifts, so that I can adjust my course and start driving my own car, energetically speaking. I am still a novice, but I do feel more and more drawn to sharing this with others. I love my private practice, and it is growing by leaps and bounds too, as I surrender to the flow. It really works!
Sending Love and Blessings to you all <3