Introducing: The Shambhala Retreat Center
/As many of you are aware, I have been birthing a new idea for quite some time. It is beginning to culminate in beautiful and synchronistic ways, and as I work on the website, and the business plan, I am also relocating, and yet; I feel strangely calm and empowered. I have pondered on this new state of mind, and I feel it comes down to one thing: Surrender. I had to let go of all my attachments to relationships, people, things, etc, and just trust that I am Enough, all by myself. As my vision expands, I understand that this is an entirely new concept to most people, and my goal is to make it as gentle and loving as possible. The following is an excerpt from the website content I am working on right now. Enjoy!
The dream of Shambhala began some years ago, with my realization that most of us have no idea why we do most of the things we do. After struggling with relationships, body image, and all things financial, I discovered a path that seemed largely unexplored by most. The tenants in this belief system are so powerful and effective, that I could not help but wonder, “Why does this seem of little interest, when so many could benefit?” The answer lies in the programming that we receive from our time of birth, and throughout our lives. This programming is delivered via mass media; television, music, marketing, and many other subtle, but powerful, ways. In order to deprogram yourself, you must step away from all media and outside influences for a time, in order to gain perspective. This is quite difficult, because all our self worth, happiness, and feel good emotions, are tied up in these programs. As soon as you try to pull away, you are drawn back in with the energetic dependency; it is a type of addiction. Addictions are deeply perpetuated by this program, and our retreats will be focusing a lot on how to overcome this type of energy.
The opportunity we provide for you is just this: A place where you will be totally free of programming inputs, with a staff of qualified professionals who are trained to support you in this new endeavor. Much of our work is built upon “The Four Agreements”, by Don Miguel Ruiz; I highly recommend it. You will be guided gently into this transition, where the tenants of unconditional love and unquestionable intuition await you. We will hold space for you to find your own answers, and assist you in releasing any energy that no longer serves you. You will be given energetic tools which will empower you to do your own work, and release dependencies upon others “healing” you, or doing your work for you.
When it is time for you to depart, it will be with a fresh new perspective on the world, your reality, and how to thrive in spite of all the massive programming you have endured. You will have become aware of common pitfalls, the way we defeat ourselves, and how to shift your focus towards positive transformation and personal power. This is the New Earth.
Your Journey Awaits!