Creative Blocks and How to Cope with Them
/It's been a while, readers.....and I apologize, I DO. As all creatives know, your flow can't be forced, and no matter how many times I sat down to write this blog over the past weeks, there was no flow,and no inspiration. I have always believed that my writing is a direct result of my mental state, and this is certainly no exception. Today, I sat down and felt it for the first time in a while, so here I am, finally. Over the years, I have experienced many blocks and stagnant periods in my creative output. I have tried everything to "get over the hump." but I finally realized that sometimes, you just have to sit with it, and let it wash over you. Effortless effort is where it is.
Time to get out of your head!
I won't try to tell you that there is one answer for any problem, as every person, every energy, is different. I can only tell you what has worked, and what has most definitely NOT worked, for me. Growing up, I was forced into participation for many things which did not resonate with me, and I was told "suck it up," because that is the way the world works. I am here to tell you, that paradigm is shifting, and although it is scary to let go and trust, that is what you have to do. My last relationship was very pivotal in my growth, because even though both of us "did everything right," we still could not resolve the issues that came up, as a result. It opened up a lot of pain pictures for both of us, and our anxieties and old fears all resurfaced. Soon, we were both unhappy, and neither of us knew why. As the months have passed, and I have begun to dig into that pain a little more, I have realized that my fears created the need to expend effort, which, in turn, blocked the flow, and made the situation ten times worse, than if I had respected my inner feelings and had the courage to walk away in the first place.
Enjoying the beauty of nature really grounds me!
You may be asking yourself, "How do I know if I am being lazy, or simply relaxing into the flow?" Stop and really look at the energy on that statement, and understand that you are judging yourself, which creates a block, and simply reinforces that self loathing energy, which makes you not want to try anything new. It is truly a paradox, and a place where many people live, indefinitely. You do what you think you "have" to do, and judge yourself for it, which keeps you totally stuck and unhappy. Your fears stop you from really letting go, and then you have no flow. Is it scary? YES! But in the end, I am more afraid of staying stuck and stagnant, than I am of the unknown. I am ready for something new, something fresh, and in order to get something new, you must try something you have never tried before.
Do you know your fears? Or, are you so locked into your process of avoiding your pain that you don't even know who you are, what you want, or even what truly scares you? The only way to know is to change things up and really explore out of your comfort zone. Find a trusted friend, or professional, and ask them to help you. We are all here for each other.
Enjoy this beautiful day and I am wishing each and every one of you the joy and happiness you so richly deserve!