A Writer's Journey: Why Write?
/How I feel when I write: Golden!
If you are someone who, like me, has enjoyed reading and writing your entire life, and you suddenly find yourself in a world where no one wants to read, what do you do? I have been struggling with this question for a while, which is why my blog has been neglected. I have been writing my entire life, and blogging for quite some time. It is easy to feel discouraged when most people seem more interested in whatever is on YouTube, and the younger generation definitely doesn’t seem to want to sit and read anything, much less, a BLOG, “Why would you read it when you can watch it?”. So, I tried recording a few videos, and achieved limited success (see below), but it doesn’t FEEL the same for me. It isn’t the same type of expression as allowing my fingers to flow and clack over the computer keyboard and watching the screen, as my thoughts are translated into words on the page. It isn’t the same satisfaction for me. And so that is why I write. I write to Inspire myself, and I write to create.
Many of my students and clients tell the same story, again and again. “Why can’t life just flow easily for me?” “Why am I depressed and sad, even when I am supposedly doing my due diligence when it comes to work, relationships, etc?” The answer is always the same: Find your Joy, and follow it. Follow it even when others tell you you’re being silly, or no one cares. Follow it through the darkness and right on into the light. It will ALWAYS lead you home.”
So, I give myself the same advice. I will write because it is my Joy, and that is where I will focus. I love to teach, also, and I am hosting a new class in October, called Intuitive Training, for all Empaths and Intuitives who wish to take their practive to the next level. Whether you are new to the path or have been on it for a long time, this is for you. You will learn tools that will empower you in ways you have never felt before. You will learn how to heal yourself from the inside out so that you can truly release what others think of you and take back your energy, all in a loving energy. Learn how to truly “DO YOU”.
If you read all the way down here, you must really like to read, and you may be one of my soul family! I appreciate you! Many blessings today, Andrea