Dreaming in 5D: Messages from My Father
My father came to me in a dream last night. I was meeting my family to have dinner, and suddenly, I looked around and my father was next to me, vibrant, healthy, and happy. He smiled at me, with no trace of the Parkinson's that had crippled him for his last decade of life, and he took my hand as we walked along. He joked with me, like we used to do all the time, and then, he handed me a pair of glasses, telling me, "Put these on, you will see things differently." I did, and as I looked around through these glasses, I saw lights and colors on everything, it was as though the world had come alive in a whole new way. I took them off and handed them back to him, but he urged me to keep them. "Put them on when you are feeling discouraged", he said, and I tucked them away for safekeeping. I then turned to look at him again and said, "How are you here? You......died. I saw you in the casket, and they buried your body." He smiled at me and said nothing, just continued to walk alongside me. I saw my brother and sister in law ahead, and I called to them "Hey, wait up!" As I hurried to join them, my father disappeared, and I suddenly realized, I am the only one who saw him. I had wondered why no one else tried to talk to him, and I finally understood: He had only come to me.
I have many prophetic dreams, and they always contain information that I must decipher. In the recent weeks, since my father's passing, I have had many, and have acted on them, for I have learned that this is my map for life. Time and time again, I have watched my dreams come to pass in this world we call "reality", and while others have dismissed them as simply dreams, I know better. In this reality, my father and I had lots of trouble communicating. In my dreams, it is easy, and I feel that our relationship will be stronger and more beneficial for both of us, in this 5D reality.
I am stronger and more resilient with each day that passes, and even though I do feel sadness sometimes, and miss being able to hold my Father's hand, or see his smile, I still feel very connected to his spirit, which is so beautiful and free now. A few days ago, I was struggling to see the positive energy, and I saw a double rainbow right in front of me. It was so beautiful that it brought tears to my eyes, and I knew it was a message of encouragement. The next day, I saw TWO double rainbows, and I was overwhelmed with gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to recognize my own inner brilliance and joy, once again.
“In Chinese culture red is symbolic of the feet and violet represents the head. So a Primary Rainbow can be seen to illustrate a human descending from heaven. As stated before, the secondary arc in a Double Rainbow has reversed colors so, since the red is on the bottom and the violet is on top, the human figure is ascending from the material earth to the spiritual heaven. Therefore seeing a Double Rainbow is considered a very auspicious occasion and a reason for reflection and meditation.”
Life is all about shifting, and being open to new information. It doesn't make your prior experiences invalid, it just makes them no longer relevant. You learn the lessons, and you move on. That is the 2018 reality. Being present is the most important tool you can have in today's climate of chaos.
To learn more about this important energetic tool, email me, or book an appointment. Together, we can navigate these new energies, and you can start to live the life you truly want to create for yourself.