Shifting From Fear and Into Love: Learning to Navigate In 5D
Great love takes great care, and time, to develop and grow. It is like a new baby, a sprout, a tiny blossom, which is protected and cared for, until it is stronger, and fuller, and then it can shine it’s light for all to see, without fear, without judgement; to inspire and protect those who are newer to the path, and also revere those who are further on the path, all the while, calling others to come along, join us in our journey, stay as long as it flows, then move into the next space where you will learn some lessons and have some adventures. Change is the only constant, and energy is about shifting and flowing with what matches it.
These past few weeks have delivered some of my most challenging energies in quite some time. I have cried almost daily, and there was one day where I spent most of my day either in tearful releasing, or meditation. I knew, on one level, that this was something that needed to come up for it to heal. In my personal practice, I have learned that, when you bypass a feeling, and push it away, it will always come back. Feeling and accepting your emotions, is the only way to heal that wound. No amount of meditation, classes, or teachers, can heal those wounds. I have seen a rampant amount of spiritual bypass in the spiritual communities, and the only way to see this in yourself, is to have others reflect it back for you. So, for example, if you perceive that someone “hurt your feelings”, that is a reflection of a wound that you carry. To heal that, and stop attracting those energies, you must step out of the victim mentality. When you hear yourself saying, “Why is this happening TO me?”, stop. Breathe. Close your eyes and repeat to yourself, “Why is this happening FOR me?”, and then observe what comes up for you. Whatever thoughts pop into your head, keep asking that question, and follow that ALLLLLLL the way down the rabbit hole; your wound will eventually show itself. Do not allow fear or Ego to distract you from this quest, it is well worth it, I assure you! In time, and with practice, you will be able to rise completely out of the victim mentality, and this is where you will find all your power.
Be patient and Trust: All is As It Should Be
As I shift, and breathe, and create a new reality for myself, I am learning to trust the process, even when I could easily perceive my situation as bleak, there is always a reason this is happening FOR me. And that is the reality that I choose, without hesitation or fear. Letting go of that which no longer serves me, I am awakening to a magical world, where fear and pain do not steer my boat, and I am able to clearly see my options, which are endless and varied; all I have to do is open my eyes and turn my head to look around.
Many Blessings and Much Love to you all today!