In A BEginning: A 5D Reality
My dear readers, I am feeling led to begin a new era of channeling, and stepping into the role of Divine Oracle. A year ago, I had a vision of this shift, and have surrendered to the flow. When I started this blog, I was recently divorced, and lived a quite different reality than I presently create. From this point forward, my blog will be less a journal, and more a Divine Channel of Truth. Spirit has led me to this decision and I will surrender to it, as I have in many other aspects to my timeline. And So It Is!
I am grateful to those of you who have followed my journey over the years, and if this is where we part ways, I wish you all the abundance and blessings that you so richly deserve!
IN A BEginning, there were humans, and they were sovereign beings of light. They danced, and sang, and enjoyed BEing. One day, two of the humans tried combining their energy, and they were filled with joy at the connection. One by one, this became common practice, and eventually, it was “the way we did things”. My generation grew up with the belief that we must give our energy to others, until we are depleted and empty. We are then “old”, and eventually, we die from this “affliction”. There is a balance, in which we can maintain our sovereignty, and also enjoy community and the occasional combining of energies. Balance is the KEY to this golden space.
Be In Awe of Everything
Photo by Jason Wiles Photography
The 3D reality taught us to DO things, have goals, push to the maximum, and every day is a “race” of some sort. We prided ourselves on how hard we work, and how much we beat ourselves up, this is seen as “success”. Depression and Anxiety are on the rise, and many are filled with apathy and regret. It is time to let go of this belief system, and embrace the new energies which are flooding the planet at this pivotal time in Earth’s history.
5D dimensional plane is all about FLOW and BEING, and staying as present as we can in each moment. Gratitude is an important key to attain this vibration; wake early and say Thank You as your eyes open. Set the intention that your day will flow easily and joyfully, or whatever is appropriate for your situation. Speak only stories of good and positive report; do not participate in gossip, shame, or any of the other Ego traps which bring your vibration down. Step away from any and all obligation, and observe how others react without judgment for them OR YOURSELF.
When you become the observer of your own mind; you are then able to maintain neutrality in most situations. This allows you to move freely in the new dimensional frequencies; this is 5D. A helpful visual exercise is to imagine yourself weightless and timeless, see yourself as your Soul, pure and unfettered by earthly possessions, emotions, and any other “things” which clutter your subconscious and keep you in a confused and anxious state. Relax and allow yourself to float on this cloud, seeing yourself as a being of light, and really FEEL your soul’s vibration. Be amused at how seriously we take this timeline/matrix of 3D reality; it is only as real as you choose to make it. Imagine how you would “win'“ this game, this virtual reality world; when the way to transcend is total surrender, how would that look for you? Become aware of your triggers and follow this connection to your wounds; surrender and heal. Your beliefs are reflected back to you and called “reality”.
The way to Love is within you; when you can truly love and respect yourself, by letting go of all obligation, to anyone and anything, you are then able to see clearly what Your Soul is truly here for. Once you have your path sighted, you are then able to build upon this energy, and eventually, you will find yourself Free.
Many Blessings and Much Love to you all today!