How Life is Like Cooking: Timing is Everything
I am a cook, as a hobby: I enjoy creating something out of a list of other things. I tried to make it a profession, but having to try to create something from what others want, does not seem to bring me the same amount of joy. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy a good challenge, give me a list of your dietary restrictions, and I am in the Zone; I love puzzles and anything that twists my mind up for a bit. I have been on a lot of different “diets”, and it is always fun for me to meet the requirements with a finished product that everyone (mostly) enjoys as well. I love telling people, “This is Gluten free” and watching their amazed expressions.
When I try to create what others want, based on the list of things they think they would like, it hinders my own artistic expression, and creates restrictions when I see flow. It causes me to doubt my intuition, and there is no creative expression within that space. Much like this, Energy transfers from one person to the next, and doesn’t translate the same way. I can say one thing to you, and the same thing to another person, and get two entirely different reactions. This is because we all have a unique energetic signature which reacts differently to stimuli. This ripples into our auric flied, and ricochets off your physical body, sometimes in a physically painful way. In this process, we can experience body pain, emotional pain, and all kinds of variants in between, depending on how deep the wound goes. Your wounds create your life experience, until you become aware of them, and can start to heal your wounds from the inside out. No one else can do this for you, you are literally the only one qualified to heal yourself completely. Others can help, and teach, and guide you, but ultimately, it is your responsibility to take what you learn and apply it. Sit with yourself and focus on your inner landscape at least once a day. At this point in the Ascension process, I sit and meditate 3-4 hours a day, sometimes. I spend a lot of time in nature, and a lot of time alone. I do not feel drawn to the computer, or my phone, or even “doing” things. I feel fatigued and restless at the same time; yet I know, deep in my heart, that this is exactly where I am supposed to be. I am present with the ebbs as well as the flows.
As we continue to navigate our way through this energetic minefield, you will be asked to look at your worst fears and your deepest wounds. In order to heal, you must look at the wound. It requires you to be humble, and admit that you create EVERYTHING that “happens” to you, the good, the bad, and the very, very ugly. But guess what? The other side of this process is that you will start to feel lighter, and as that heavy energy moves off you, there may be a moment where you try to hold on to it, for it is the familiar, it is all you have known, for your whole life, as these wounds are the oldest you carry, your Core Pictures. This is what makes you, YOU, at least up to this point in your journey. But you asked for more, and here is your opportunity, it takes courage to face this, but you can do it, or you would not still be here, on this planet, riding the waves of energy which are coursing up, and up, and breaking into some of the most amazing peaks; it is your time to step into the role you came here to play.
Having a list of ingredients makes nothing, you have to put it in the mix at specific intervals, and only then will your creation start to make sense, and then you pause to taste it, and make some adjustments; if needed, until you finally hold the finished product in your hands, and you taste it, and it is delicious. You may have some of your ingredients now, or you may need to take a grocery store trip, but wherever you are in the recipe of life, it is a Creation, an experience that you create, and shape into what brings you joy. What will you create today?
Sending you many blessings and so much love today!
A beautiful creation!