Being Human and Loving It!
I wrote a blog about a week ago, and it magically disappeared. I did not have time to write another one, so I suppose the Universe decided that I was not to publish a blog last week. Creative expression is always quite the fickle customer; many times I'll sit in front of this screen and tap away, only to go back and realize I have no idea what I just wrote. This has been happening to me more and more often lately, and while I suppose this type of unconscious channeling is good for the soul, it's not always so enriching for the reader. I have reached a point in my life where I understand, and trust, that when things do not go according to plan, it is for a very good reason. I am still sometimes disappointed, but rarely for long, as I know that something else is coming, something beautiful. I must only keep an open mind and be willing to accept it.
This past month has been chaotic, yet rich with new ideas and energies flowing into my space with ease. I am reaching into my heart with a new awareness, and a quiet knowing that everything is going exactly as it is supposed to. I observe others fighting this flow and send them love when I can. When I hear others in a negative space, I can send them love, and hold space for their healing. If they look to deny their presence by asking for my opinion, I rarely give it, but I will remind them of their inner light and love. I have my moments (trust me), but I have surrounded myself with friends who do for me what I do for others; they help remind me of the universe's power, when I may waver.
There are new energies coming into the planet right now, and to flow with them, one must vibrate with the love frequency. If you are not already attuned to that frequency, not already in that space, these new energies may be painful, and it may seem that things have begun to fall apart. Remember, however, that no new project can begin until old projects are complete and cleared from your space. Old energies must move out before new energies can come in. It is a Universal Law.
As I navigate this part of my journey, I am often asked, "When will you be DONE?" My answer to this is actually quite straightforward. Your journey begins when you are born, and ends when you die; everything in-between is your path, and your path IS your destination.
So if the goal is to simply walk the path, rather than to achieve an arbitrary milestone, what purpose does removing yourself from the immediate joy of the present accomplish? Your journey is now! Enjoy it! You will get to rest along the way, for every journey has stops and starts. You will notice contrasts - good days and bad days - learn to notice and appreciate the difference. When I am having a tough day, I focus on how grateful I am to have such good friends, a nice place to live, etc. When I am having a day in the flow, I reach out to my friends and send love if they need it. I have noticed that, in almost every case, the days I need help, others are doing well, and the days they need help, I am in a good place to help them. Being in the flow has infinite potential to create positive energy.
I have often pondered the etymology of "being in love," "being in the flow," and all the rest of these assorted new-age phrases, which are largely overused and often misappropriated, so that the user may escape their feelings, or avoid responsibility for their choices and actions. I have had many heated discussions with others in my community about this phenomenon. Regardless of terminology, there are some things that we know to be universal:
Everyone is where they need to be.
I am not responsible for anyone else's choices or feelings.
I AM responsible, however, for the things I say, and the things I do. If I say something unkind (yeah....I do sometimes lose my space!), I will apologize. If I - unintentionally or not - do something to hurt another, I will apologize.
My mission is to spread love and kindness, and leave my Ego out of the equation. If I want others to be open to my message, I must first believe it, then I must live it. When I lose my space (if I get mad, say something mean, etc.), I recognize it, accept that it happened...then move forward. I share my experiences with others, so that they can see how I also struggle with energies.
For others to walk alongside you, they must first see that you walk with a purpose, and a belief that the work you do is in harmony with the universe. Only leading by example creates truth.
Be well my friends. I am sending a massive dose of love your way today!